Infantil 0 a 2 años
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Row Row Row Your Boat
- Sound buttons play classic nursery rhymes- Beautifully illustrated board books with simple text- Books guaranteed to engage children's imaginations- These books are perfect for young children
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Five-Minute Stories For 1 Year Olds
Enjoy a five-minute story every night of the week with this amazing collection that's perfect for 1 year olds! Meet a puppy who loves to play peekaboo, some very cuddly...
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Five-Minute Stories For 2 Year Olds
Enjoy a five-minute story every day of the week with this wonderful collection that is perfect for 2 year olds! Meet Benny, who hates taking baths, Leela, who wants to...
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Who Am I? Playful Pets
Who has a soft, furry body? And a fluffy, waggy tail? WhoÆs that hiding behind the page? Turn the flaps and find out, in a beautifully illustrated guessing book for...
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Who Am I? Wild Animals
Which wild animals are hiding behind the giant flaps? Follow the clues step by step, and see if you can guess the answer before the last flap is opened.
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The Kiss That Missed
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Spot Goes To The Farm
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The Worst Twelve Days Of Christmas
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Meg Comes To School
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An Alphabet In Art
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Paddington Favourite Paddington Stories
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Goodbye Mog
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Mog In The Dark
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Mog And The Baby
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Mog On Fox Night
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Penguin On A Scooter
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Hello World Music
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I Went Trick Or Treating
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Essential Spanish Phrases
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You Will Be My Friend
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Pop Up Dear Zoo
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Libro Baño Amigos De Jungla Lee Y Juega
¡Que tu historia cobre vida con este entretenido cuento para el baño y el set de marionetas de dedo! ¡Al Mono le encanta jugar al escondite! ¿Puedes ayudar al León...
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Libro Baño Amigos De Granja Lee Y Juega
¡Que tu historia cobre vida con este entretenido cuento para el baño y el set de marionetas de dedo! ¡A la Vaca le encanta jugar al escondite! ¿Puedes ayudar al...
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Me Hago Mayor
Nueve magníficos cuentos con los que los más pequeños aprenderán a disfrutar de la lectura. Acompañan a padres e hijos en una etapa clave del crecimiento ayudándolos a resolver juntos...
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