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Garrapatas. Morfología, Fisiología Y Ecología. Edición América Latina
Las garrapatas componen un conjunto extenso de artrópodos de vital importancia en salud publica y animal. Debido a la dispersión de información disponible sobre este asunto, esta obra pretende acumular...
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Broiler Meat Inspection
Technical book on avian inspection, written by an author with a wide experience in this field, which tackles the most important findings recorded and reported during broiler meat inspection at...
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Síndrome Respiratorio Porcino (Prrs)
El objetivo de esta guia es ofrecer un resumen práctico del conocimiento actual sobre el sindrome reproductivo y respiratorio porcino (SRRP). La información aportada se basa en datos prácticos y...
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Diagnóstico Ecográfico En El Gato
Este libro aporta una nueva visión de la ecografia felina en la clinica veterinaria. De craneal a caudal, se repasa toda la anatomia ecográfica del gato, aportando detalles de la...
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Casos Clínicos De Cirugía De La Piel. Técnicas Quirúrgicas
Joaquin J. Sopena reune para esta obra a un importante equipo de especialistas veterinarios en cirugia de la piel en pequeños animales, tanto nacionales como internacionales, y presenta una obra...
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Síndrome Respiratorio Bovino
Esta obra hace una revisión exhaustiva del sindrome respiratorio bovino (SRB), enfermedad que provoca grandes perdidas económicas en la cabaña bovina. Consta de cinco capitulos en los que se tratan...
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Handbook Of Radiographic Positions And Projections In The Dog
A practical book in which you will find answers to your queries on how to take X-rays properly in order to avoid unnecessary repetition. It Gives a detailed description of...
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Management Solutions For Veterinary Practices
Pere Mercader, a consultant with a broad experience in the veterinary sector, provides us with the keys to efficient veterinary practice management and IT management tools for calculations and assessment...
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A Guide To Necropsy Diagnosis In Swine Pathology
In this book we first propose the correct way to make a quick and complete necropsy which reveals the different organs and structures, offering a technique that can provide us...
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Veterinary Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
Written by one of our country?s most eminent specialists Gemma del Pueyo, this book enables veterinary surgeons to further their knowledge in physiotherapy and veterinary rehabilitation, as well as to...
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Behavioural Changes Associated With Pain In Companion Animals
This book deals with pain in companion animals and how it affects their welfare, health and, of course, behaviour. It describes the difficulties encountered, throughout history, to finally reach the...
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Reproduction And Ultrasound Examination In Cattle
Manuel Fernández Sánchez, author of the best seller The Oestrus Cycle of the Cow. A Photographic Atlas, now brings us his second book Reproduction and ultrasound examination in cattle, published...
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Essential Guide To Calving
This Essential guide to calving is an accessible yet complete and exhaustive book which explores in depth the aspects related to calving in an educational and practical manner. In spite...
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Atlas Of Ovine Pathology
This atlas compiles clinical cases and images of pathological conditions. It will be very helpful for any vet needing to recognise macroscopical and microscopical lesions in sheep.
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Canine And Feline Oncology
Veterinary oncology is a specialty that is advancing at a very fastpace. This allows clinicians to have more and more resources at their disposal to treat their patients and, at...
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Handbook Of Laboratory Diagnosis In Swine
This useful handbook describes in detail the entire process of diagnosis, collection and sending of samples to the laboratory, the interpretation of findings, and the description of the basic laboratory...
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Graphic Handbook Immunology And Infectious Diseases Of The Dog And Cat
?Graphic Handbook of Immunology and Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat? is an innovative book that presents the fundamental aspects of basic immunology and the most important dog and...
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Q Fever. An Emerging Disease
The aim of this book is to provide the practitioner with the most recent and best evidence information about the infection of Coxiella burnetii (Cb), causative agent of Q fever,...
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The Basic Stockmanship Guide
This guide is presented as a series of advice sheets, some of which can be used around the farm, that provide rapid information in a format easily understood by all...
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Enfermedades Inmunosupresoras En Avicultura
Este libro está planteado para ayudar a los veterinarios dedicados al sector de la avicultura y a los especialistas en diagnóstico en la identificación y control de las enfermedades inmunosupresoras....
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Immunosuppressive Diseases Of Poultry
This book is intended for diagnosticians and poultry veterinarians to aid in the identification and control of immunosuppressive diseases. The goal of this work is to present the reader with...
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Guía Práctica De Enfermedades Del Ganado Porcino
En los paises más industrializados la producción porcina ha experimentado una metamorfosis notable en las ultimas decadas. Se ha pasado de modelos de producción pequeños y de gestión familiar a...
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Ear Diseases Of The Dog And Cat
20% of visits to the veterinary may be due to otitis and although, in general, they do not represent a serious condition for the animal, they are very unpleasant and...
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The Peripartum Cow: Practical Notes
The most important stage of lactation is the preparation period; this is called ?dry period, calving and peripartum?. This book explains in a didactic way all the factors that may...
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